Behavioral and Mental Health Treatment
Our behavioral health program provides services for adults at risk for mental health disabilities/disorders. Our Behavioral Health services encompass a wide variety of therapeutic intervention modalities, including:
Assessments & Referrals | Mental Health Treatment | Case Management Trauma | Intervention Grief Counseling | Stress Management | Community Psychiatric Supportive Treatment (CPST) | Mental Health Groups | Self-Esteem Groups |Marriage Counseling |Family Counseling
Substance Use Disorder (SUD)Treatment Program
Our SUD Program is designed to aid adults at with alcohol or other drugs addictions. Services include:
• Diagnostic Assessment: This evaluation is used to determine the nature and extent of abuse, misuse and/or addiction to alcohol and/or other drugs.
• Case Management Individual Sessions and Case Management Groups: These services provide assistance and support to obtain access information and referrals for medical, social, educational, and other services essential to meeting basic human needs. Additionally, our staff will provide the necessary documentation to the courts, probation, Children Services to assist with client meeting his or her requirements.
• Intensive Outpatient (IOP): Clients participate in 3-hour substance abuse counseling in a group setting for approximately 24 weeks depending on the individual needs of the client.
• Individual SUD Counseling: Clients are offered weekly sessions to assist client in retaining and increasing his/her skills to manage emotions and maintain sobriety.
• After Care: A 12-week 1.5-hour weekly groups for individuals who have completed the intensive outpatient program. Aftercare helps clients to utilize the coping skills learned in treatment to resist triggers and continue recovery, pursue personal and professional goals, establish a support network to stay accountable, and find activities and relationships that encourage self-growth and sobriety.
• Relapse Prevention Services: An action-oriented programs to assist client in creating a plan to reduce the incidence, and prevalence of substance use reducing stress or depression through appropriate social interactions, developing positive friendships with individuals who will not encourage substance use, learning to empower oneself and developing impulse control, and engaging with an anonymous source of support and communication.